Happy Family
Making a better life
Pregnant Woman
Shapping a better world
Patient need
Fulfilling patient's need
CEDRA PHARMA is a gynaecological medicine, pharma products company. Cedra Pharma has reserved a place of prominence in the market by thriving on the global standards of medical efficacy, safety and hygiene. We came into existence in for formulating and providing the best-in-class range of pharmaceutical products and drugs. Read More

Consistent Quality
We deliver high-quality products

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We have range of affordable products

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We reach town to metro
Top Products

Ensures follicular development
Improves oocyte and embryo quality
Improves fertilization and implantation rate
Increases pregnancy success rate
Increases sperm count
Increases semen volume
Improves sperm
morphologyIncreases sperm velocity
Improves Acrosome

Achieve sperm motility with ease in male
Aids ovarian stimulation in IVF for female
Increase IUI success rate in male
Enhance egg quality in female